How To Break Password Behind The Stars *******

How To Break Password Behind The Stars

In this post i'll show you how to see passwords behind the asterisks*******, in case you forgot what you used or better if you want to know yours friend password from his email or facebook account that he had typed and left it. This tutorial will help you.
1) How to break hidden passwords ***** in Mozilla Firefox

All you have to do is just to copy/paste the following javascript code in the adress bar whenever you are on a site with a login form and the password behind the ****** will be displayed.

Here is another trick to view all of the stored passwords in Firefox.

1. Open Firefox

2. Go to Tools –> Options.

Select the Security Tab.

Click on Saved Passwords.

If you want to look at the passwords, press 'Show Passwords'.

2) How to break hidden passwords ******** in Internet Explorer

Download Asterisk Key and run it. When you are on a site with a login form click Show Internet Explorer Passwords and it will show you the password behind the *****.

3) How to break hidden passwords ***** in some applications

There is a freeware utility called SC-PassUnleash which allows you to read any of the passwords that are covered by the asterisks by simply dragging a cursor over such a password field. But, the bad thing is that it only works on certain FTP clients and email clients.
Download SC-PassUnleash

Hope this tutorial was useful for you.

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