1. Vpn- for travelling your data through a secured channel use your vpn services as it provides you the most secured channel through which you can surf internet securely.
2. Change your router’s password- you need to change your router’s password as if it can be easily hacked because mostly seen there is a common username and password that is “admin” {username} and admin {password} or administrator {username} and password {password}. Hackers know this thing and by default they are make this work easy to do. So it’s better to change your router’s password. For this you can go to router’s setting and look for the option password or Management>Access Controls>Passwords. It’s different in each case.
3. Changing the SSID name- you can change your SSID name which is called as the name for your WI-FI connection. You just have to change that name to your name as it creates less confusion and a great combination so that your respective neighbors can easily identify you.
4. Using MAC address- by using MAC address you get an authority to allow a certain numbers of computers, laptops and phones to connect through your WI-FI. This way is the best way to secure your WI-FI.
5. Reducing your signal strength- it’s better to reduce your router’s signal strength as if no one else can connect by just standing outside your home. It makes your WI-FI secured.
So, do according to the tips I gave, and protect your WI-FI connection as soon as possible, so that you can work with protected channel.